14 maio, 2011

Brincar com as palavras*

Desvalorização Fiscal (“Fiscal Devaluation”), com redução dos custos do factor trabalho, através da redução da Taxa Social Única (TSU) para as empresas exportadoras ou que evitam importações;
A TSU será reduzida até 4%, ao longo da Legislatura, tendo em vista o objectivo estratégico de acorrer a redução dos custos de produção do sector de bens transaccionáveis, bem como no caso das empresas exportadoras, segundo modelo a definir no OE 2012.
Do programa do PSD.
IMF Survey online: How will competitiveness be restored?
Thomsen: Portugal’s problems are above all structural, as evidenced by the very low growth during the good years before the global crisis hit in 2008 
In this regard, I would highlight that the government is now considering what could be a dramatic “game changer” in the form of a sharp reduction in social security contributions in the order of 3–4 percent of GDP (offset by other appropriate tax and expenditure adjustments). This would reduce labor costs significantly and make goods produced in Portugal more competitive abroad...
39.  A critical goal of our program is to boost competitiveness This will involve a major reduction in employer's social security contributions. This measure will be fully calibrated by the time of the first review. The offsetting measures needeed to ensure fiscal neutrality may include changing the structure and rates of VAT, additional permanent expenditure cuts, and raising others taxes that would not have an adverse effect in competitiveness. In calibrating this measure, we will take measures to: (i) mitigate the social impact of higher consumption taxes; (ii) ensure that changes to social security contributions are compensated by allocating equivalent revenues in order not to jeopardize the sustainability of the pension system; and (iii) ensure that tax changes are passed to lower prices. While the proposal might be implemented in two steps, the bold first step will be implemented in the context of 2012 budget (structural benchmark, October 2011).
Fiscal Devaluation - Memorandum of Economic and Finantial Policies
* sublinhados meus.

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